Disclaimer COLT Cambodia
De informatie die door COLT op haar website wordt aangeboden is met grote zorg samengesteld.
Ondanks de voortdurende aandacht voor de kwaliteit van haar berichtgeving kan COLT niet garanderen dat de informatie op haar website altijd juist, actueel of volledig is.
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COLT behoudt zich het recht voor om de informatie op haar website te allen tijde te verbeteren of anderszins te wijzigen.
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Disclaimer COLT Cambodia
The information that COLT provides on her website has been put together with great care.
Despite the continuous focus on the quality of our communication, COLT can’t guarantee that the information on our website is always factual, actual or complete.
No rights can be derived in any way from the information and/ or services offered on the website.
COLT does not accept any liability for any inaccuracies, nor for information on websites to which reference is made.
COLT reserves the right to improve or otherwise change the information on its website at any time.
Nothing from this site may be used for other websites without the permission of COLT. Printing pages is only allowed for personal use.
If you notice anything inaccurate on our website, it would be highly appreciated it if you report this to the web editors.
© 2018 – Copyright COLT, alle rechten voorbehouden / all rights reserved